
CLA negotiations for primary education stopped - here the details

Negotiations for a new collective labor agreement stopped at the end of the day on Wednesday 26 June. The wage offer of the PO-Raad employers' organization turned out to be too far removed from the commitment of the education unions. It didn't work to get closer together.

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A reasonable salary increase is according to the AOb necessary in order not to allow the pay gap to grow further in relation to salary in secondary education. The deployment of the AOb 5 percent for 2019. For us as AOb The absolute basis was that at least the space that the employers were given to finance from the cabinet had to be used.

Salary offer

That space was 1 percent from 2019 March 3, and also estimated at 2020 percent for 3. The offer of the PO council was well below that. Employers offered 2,5 percent as of September 1, 2019, then only 1 percent from April 1 to November 2020, 1,1.

It is very annoying that we do not reach agreements now. A great deal of time has been invested in renewing the exemplary positions for directors, deputy directors and educational support staff. That innovation cannot be implemented yet. Furthermore, there were draft agreements about an individual training budget for all employees and the renewal / simplification of some chapters in the collective labor agreement so that it would become more readable and applicable.


Parties to the collective labor agreement knew in advance that no extra money was available from the cabinet. The aim was to see which agreements were possible within the available resources.

In addition, for the AOb it was important that the pay gap with secondary education was absolutely not allowed to widen. The wage agreements were therefore an important part of the negotiations. We are disappointed that it is precisely in this part that employers were not prepared to pass on all the room to the staff who provide primary education for all children in the Netherlands every day. With the acute teacher shortage (and also shortage of teaching assistants and directors), it is important that primary education as a sector takes responsibility for being the most attractive sector possible. Good working conditions are part of this.

What does this mean?

The agreements in the collective labor agreement that expired on 1 March last are still valid.
Now that the primary education council is unable to provide the necessary financial resources, we reiterate our call to employers to take their responsibility and to pass on the space that exists one-on-one to the teaching staff. In addition, we will continue to draw attention to the pay gap in the cabinet. In order to guarantee good primary education for the future, it is very important that the government invests in education!

The promotions will continue after the summer!

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