
British universities prepare for mass strike

British university staff want better working conditions and more pay. With high inflation in mind, union members voted for a major nationwide strike on Monday.

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According to the British University and College Union union, more than XNUMX employees prepared to go on strike at 150 of a total of around 160 universities in the UK in the coming months. It also concerns employees of well-known universities such as Oxford and Cambridge. Such a major strike could bring the entire higher education sector to a standstill, according to the union.

A vote on Monday showed that eighty percent of union members are willing to strike for higher pensions and better working conditions, reports The Guardian.


Earlier this year, university staff received a three percent pay increase promised. According to the union, that is unreasonably low given the rising inflation. The union members were also dissatisfied with the temporary contracts and with significant cuts in pensions.

The employers have said that they do want to negotiate with the union, but that they must first "test what is realistic". In February fed the staff also already action.

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