
'Involve mr in continuing physical school exams'

School exams can still be taken at school, provided that this has been discussed with staff, parents and students. “Many schools do that neatly or think about online solutions, unfortunately there are also schools that do not and allow school exams to take place without consultation,” observes AObdirector Henrik de Moel.

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Last week Education Minister Arie Slob deleted the central written exams in order to give schools for secondary and secondary general adult education more time to successfully complete the school exams. Based on those school exams, it is now determined whether students have obtained their diploma. Schools are free to choose how they organize the school exams.

The minister calls on schools to conduct remote examinations as much as possible

'This can be done remotely, such as via (video) calling, and physically at school', the minister writes. But he adds an important condition to that. Especially when it comes to physical administration, schools must 'make this assessment in consultation with their staff, pupils and parents, and with understanding for everyone's situation.' Incidentally, the minister is calling on schools to conduct remote examinations as much as possible.


“In other words: schools must consult with the participation council whether the exams can be physically taken and if so, under what conditions”, concludes AObdirector Henrik de Moel. “That seems right to me. After all, it is about the safety of staff and students. We see that many schools also take the time to do so and postpone existing physical school exams for a while or convert them to other forms of examinations. ”

Only together can we solve this as well as possible

A survey in secondary education only revealed that there are still a number of schools that allow planned physical school exams to proceed without any consultation. “Very annoying”, says De Moel. “Certainly because by scrapping the central writing, there is enough time to look at ways to organize the examinations properly and safely in consultation. Let's do that, 'only together', to use the government slogan, we can solve this as well as possible. ”

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