
The OGVO board receives insufficient grades from the Education Inspectorate

The Education Inspectorate is very critical of the management of the Venlo & Surroundings Education Community (OGVO) and in the latest report awards various failures. For example, there is too little insight into the quality of education, the board does not involve the participation council (mr) in decisions in time and the cooperation between the board members and the three secondary schools is poor.

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Last week published the inspection the research report on his website. At OGVO it has been restless for some time. The AOb held a meeting last year attended by about 175 education employees during school hours to discuss the problems with the task policy, the culture of fear and compliance with the collective labor agreement.


The inspection took a close look at OGVO last October. It is a regular survey: every school board is checked once every four years. In addition to the board, the inspectors also examined one education department for each school, the Valuas College (VMBO-B), the Blariacum College (VMBO G / T) and College den Hulster (VWO).

Many things could be improved, the inspectors see. For example, the board has too little insight into the educational results and the educational quality. There are no goals and agreements to monitor the quality of education. It is therefore impossible for the board to steer towards improvements. Nor is there a good system of accountability to the board from the three secondary schools.


Organizing contradictions and sharing information with the supervisory board and the mr is inadequate. The board does not provide the mr with information in time and does not involve the board in changes to the policy or drafting it, the inspectorate concludes. The long-term budget, in particular, could be improved in the area of ​​finance. The board must indicate what developments they expect in the next five years.

Regarding the Valuas College and the Blariacum College, the Inspectorate notes that there is a lack of clarity about the roles within the school management. "This disrupts decision-making and stands in the way of a transparent working method and good accountability," said the inspectorate.

The report contains a series of agreements that OGVO must work with. For example, from 1 January 2019, the board must inform the GMR in good time. Before 1 March 2019, the inspectorate expects an action plan for the problems with quality assurance and internal supervision must also be in order for that month.

Education quality

The Inspectorate is positive about the quality of education at the education levels studied. The quality of the lessons is good and the staff is involved.

AObdistrict manager Perry van Liempt thinks it is a 'tough' report. "I see it as a confirmation of what we as an association have been indicating for some time." The district manager finds the agreement about the organizational culture in the report recognizable. In it, the inspectorate writes: 'The board will ensure that in the first quarter of 2020 there is an organizational culture in which transparency, acting with integrity and holding each other accountable for results and behavior are recognizable elements.'

“It's bad if something like that is in a report," says Van Liempt. "So all that time there was no such thing. It is good to see that the lessons in schools are going well. Despite the difficult circumstances, teachers are doing a good job.” Van Liempt calls the first talks with the new director 'promising'. "It just needs to be turned into action now."

The school board has announced on their website that they 'embrace' the inspection report and are working hard on the improvement plans. 'The basic quality of education is in order and OGVO has confidence in the future.'

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