
'Promised money for education must be released faster'

The promised money for lowering workload in primary education must be used much faster than in 2021. Master Daan Weststrate argues for this in a motion that he submitted last weekend at the congress of his party the ChristenUnie. “The need is now high, the money has been promised,” says Weststrate. “Why should we wait so long?

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Image: Anne-Paul Roukema.

The coalition parties VVD, D66, CDA and ChristenUnie have a say the coalition agreement 430 million euros set aside to reduce the workload in primary education. The government wants to make this money fully available at the end of the government's term of office: in 2021. For the coming year, the budget includes 10 million euros for workload, the amount will increase step by step.

That takes too long for teacher Weststrate. He works in group 7 at the School with the Bible 'De Kraats' and notices every day that the workload is high. “I work long hours and I am constantly shifting. You teach, but in the meantime you are also busy with ICT work, coordinating excursions and parent discussions. A lot is expected of teachers. I can still manage, but I see colleagues giving up because of all the pressure. ”

Daan Weststrate, group 7 teacher: "We are very happy with the money and can already use it well. We do want to benefit from it as soon as possible. More teachers do not have to die because of the high workload. people."


That is why Weststrate - encouraged by the CNV union - a motion addressed the party congress. Members of the party can do this to send a signal to their parliamentary party. Co-submitters are required to submit a motion. The teacher found it quickly. “The list could have been much longer. I was well supported, the motion was passed unanimously. ”

Specifically, with the motion, the lecturer is asking for the money to be used more quickly, so that the effects will not only be noticeable at the next cabinet. “We are very happy with the money and can already use it well. We do want to benefit from it as soon as possible. There is no need for more teachers to die because of the high workload. It's about people. ”

House of Representatives

Education spokesperson Stieneke van der Graaf sits in the Lower House for the ChristenUnie. Weststrate spoke to her at the conference. "She promised me that she will make it work." There is a similar kind at the CDA congress motion accepted. Yesterday during the meet-up, where education minister Arie Slob talked to primary education employees, the motion was also discussed. Slob does not rule out the possibility that it could become a subject during the debate on the OCW budget in the House of Representatives if political groups feel called upon to raise it. Weststrate: “Hopefully the coalition parties will enter into consultation, the intention seems clear to me.”

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