
Separate teacher training courses for pre-school education and part of the over-12s

Teachers need to be better prepared for the groups they will be teaching. This conclusion can be drawn from research by educational organisations AOb, CNV Education, FvOv, SPV, Lerarencollectief and BVMBO.

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Teachers need to be better prepared for the groups they will be teaching. That is why more attention should be paid in teacher training to teaching pre-school groups and specific groups of over 1s (special education, practical education, basic pre-vocational secondary education and secondary vocational education 2 and XNUMX). Under a number of conditions, this could lead to the introduction of two new powers.

This conclusion can be drawn from an investigation that by the educational organizations AOb, CNV Education, FvOv, SPV, Lerarencollectief and BVMBO among teachers, teacher educators, school leaders and support staff. Moreover, in MBO, the board should no longer unilaterally determine which teacher teaches which subject, but teacher training and teaching team should determine this jointly with the board.

In order to maintain the broad employability of teachers, teachers should be able to obtain an additional qualification as group teachers in a maximum of one year

The current system of competences has, in broad terms, only three competences: one for teaching in primary education, one for teaching in VMBO, lower HAVO-VWO and MBO and one for teaching in the highest classes of HAVO and VWO.

Over Twelve

Within this system there is only one group teacher training course: the PABO trains young children, the older primary school child and the over-twenties in VSO and practical education. This means that the attention for pre-primary education and the over-twelves falls short.

In addition, there is also a need for broadly trained, pedagogically strong teachers who can build up a relationship of trust with the students in the lower years of VMBO basic/framework and in MBO 1 and 2.

By establishing separate authorizations as a group teacher for the education of pre-schoolers and the over-1s in special education, practical education, VMBO basic/management and MBO 2 and XNUMX - subject to conditions - the skills and knowledge of these teachers can be improved in this respect. groups are equipped.

group teacher

To prevent teachers from being less widely employable as a result of obtaining such a specialist qualification, teachers should be able to obtain an additional qualification as group teachers within a maximum of one year.

Do not leave the input of teachers to the MBO board alone

In MBO, the MBO board determines for which subjects a teacher can be deployed, regardless of whether he or she is trained for this. This has to change, according to the research, according to the educational organizations. This should not be determined by the MBO board, but by consultation between teacher education, the teaching team and the competent authority of the institution.


The in-depth study 'Powers and teacher training: Principles and solution direction for primary, secondary education, secondary education and secondary vocational education' was conducted in the spring of 2021 among teachers, school leaders, teacher educators and people in support. A total of 10.672 respondents from primary, secondary, secondary and vocational education took part in the survey.

Join the conversation? Sign up here for the session for teachers and teacher trainers, on Wednesday 30 June from 19.30:21.00 - XNUMX:XNUMX.

Read the report 'Competences and teacher training' here


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