
AObChairman Verheggen: 'Childcare is not education'

Primary schools are better off teaching properly for four days if there is no teacher to be found due to the teacher shortage and they switch to a four-day school week. It is the only honest emergency measure, he believes AObchairman Liesbeth Verheggen. "This is the honest story, four days of education is the only solution here and there."

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De AObchairman is in today daily newspaper Trouw explains why it is better to rigorously cancel a day than to muddle on.

There is a teacher shortage everywhere in education. Many schools cannot complete the timetables and have to send classes home. Verheggen does not see a ready-made solution for this either. “More and more teachers are retiring and too few new colleagues are joining, because the profession is not attractive due to the high workload and the low salary,” says Verheggen.

To make education attractive again, the cabinet will have to come up with extra money

Four-day school week

To make education attractive again, the cabinet will have to come up with extra money. “But the cabinet has so far refused to do that, and then it stops,” said Verheggen. She is therefore calling on schools today to introduce a four-day school week if they have too few teachers. "Then children can still receive real education on those days," says Verheggen. unauthorized in class. That's the only fair solution." AObchairman.

No class

Many schools now accommodate parents by dividing children into other classes or by putting unauthorized persons in front of the class. “There is no teaching at all when classes are divided, a well-intentioned parent or a local artist is in front of the class. That's just childcare, and that's what we should call it," says Verheggen. “And yes, that is a painful conclusion, but in that case the extent of the teacher shortage will also become clear. Hopefully, the cabinet will come across the bridge with extra money.”

AObchairman Liesbeth Verheggen was also heard on Radio1 this morning about the four-day school week. Listen to the fragment at 7.42 am via this link.

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