
AOb: 'Schools closed, teaching staff must work on emergency solutions'

"The tough decision to close schools to students became inevitable," he said AObchairman Eugenie Stolk. "Last Friday, we shared the concerns of our supporters with Minister Slob. The ministry decided that the closure of the schools was not necessary at that time. After the call from the federation of medical specialists, the unrest among educational staff became so great. that in our view closure was the most sensible thing. The minister agrees with us and has announced this today. "

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school closure

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Most children will stay at home until April 6, but much is not yet clear. “Many teachers are ready to make the best of it,” says Stolk, “but there was no time for preparation so no miracles should be expected. Together with everyone in education, we are going to think about what can still be done in these particularly complicated circumstances. For example, students who are just before their final exams deserve absolute priority and we will look at how we can offer the children the best possible distance education.”

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