
AObmembers vote on the pension agreement

AObmembers may vote on the provisional pension agreement between 12 and 15 June. This morning the unions, employers and the minister presented the negotiation result in which it was agreed, among other things, that the state pension age would rise less quickly. “This agreement shows that campaigning works,” says AObdriver Douwe van der Zweep.

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fnv pension action2

Image: FNV

After nine years of negotiations, a pension agreement has been reached. An important agreement is that the government wants to fix the state pension age at 66 years and four months for the next two years. After that - from 2022 - the age will rise, but less quickly than the cabinet initially wanted. It is the FNV succeeded to put an end to the 'one-on-one' link with life expectancy. If the agreement is adopted, the Dutch will have to work eight months longer for every year longer - instead of a whole year as is currently the case. This commitment will cost the government four billion euros.


“That is really a great achievement,” says Van der Zweep. "The cabinet actually did not want to talk about the state pension age at all, but now four billion euros is returned to the people."

This is a major achievement. The cabinet actually did not want to talk about the state pension age at all

Furthermore, a clear form has been agreed for a new pension system: it must be a solid collective system. In the pension agreement are therefore appointments made for freelancers. Pension savings with a pension fund will be possible for them. Another arrangement for self-employed persons is the obligation of disability insurance.


The agreement is not yet final. The FNV will hold an advisory referendum next week among all one million members. Also AOb-members will soon receive a letter by post with a unique login code with which they can give their vote between 12 June 11.00 a.m. and 15 June 12.00 noon. Do you want to vote on the agreement and are you not yet a member? If you arrive before June 7 15.00pm becomes a member of the AOb you can still vote.

In the region, the FNV will hold meetings on 11, 12 and 13 June to explain the agreement. AObbe members at all meetings welcome. The last word is ultimately up to the FNV Members' Parliament. On 15 June, this parliament will give the final judgment on the pension agreement.

The referendum must be held quickly, so that the freeze on the state pension age can be incorporated into legislation before July. Otherwise the state pension age will automatically increase.


Van der Zweep calls on members to vote on the agreement. “I look at this positively. The cabinet makes important commitments. This was the maximum achievable. ”

Read the letter to Parliament from Minister Wouter Koolmees of Social Affairs about the agreement in principle this link. You can accept the entire concept proposal this document .

Become a member before 7 June 15.00 p.m. and you also vote on the pension agreement. Join the AOb


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