
AObmembers agree to the negotiation agreement for primary education

De AObyesterday evening, the sector council unanimously approved the negotiation agreement for a new collective labor agreement in primary education. The members' poll also showed clear figures: 87 percent agree with the agreements that have been made.

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westeremdeneugenie stolk

Image: Angeliek de Jonge

“It means that for now our supporters agree to this negotiation agreement, but the sector council was also clear that we are not there yet,” says AObchairman Eugenie Stolk. "The strike on January 30 and 31 structural investments will continue and the pay gap with secondary education still needs to be closed. ”

The member poll shows that 87 percent of the respondents have a positive final opinion about the agreements in the negotiation agreement. However, they also clearly show that it is not enough yet. Almost 70 percent say they are definitely participating in the strike in January. 23 percent have not yet made a decision. For example, in the open comments, write a AObmember: "For now, the agreement is the best we can get out of it, but we are far from finished!" Another respondent thinks that there is a need to 'continue': 'Continue to take action, close the pay gap and make clear to the government the urgency of the teacher shortage and the inequality of opportunities.'

Respondent: 'For now, the agreement is the best that can be achieved, but we are not there yet!'

On December 12, the collective bargaining negotiators entered primary education to an agreement. It ensures that all teaching staff will receive a pay increase of 1 percent from January 2020, 4,5 and a bonus and supplementary payment in February. Agreements have also been made about new job descriptions for oopers and school directors so that the jobs do better justice to the tasks that have become more complex, and an agreement has been made about an individual training budget. After the negotiation agreement was reached, the members were asked for a judgment.


De AOb has now agreed. This week, the other educational organizations FNV Education & Research, CNV Education, AVS and FvOv are also polling their supporters. The employer organization PO council will follow at the beginning of January. Only when all parties agree will it be a final agreement and the collective labor agreement will apply to the sector.

Also read: Negotiator agreement for collective labor agreement for primary education

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