
AOb is stable and healthy

The AOb. Members give the association more than sufficient and financially the association is healthy. The number of members is stable and many young people are joining. This is evident from market research and the annual report.

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Rating members: Score AOb 6,9

Members give the AOb a 6,9: a more than satisfactory. They cite the association as first and foremost expert, then reliable and clear. And sometimes a bit of a wait and see. This is evident from the market research that Regioplan conducted as a result of the cooperation plans of the AOb and FNV Education and Research.

Two-thirds of the AObmembers and three quarters of the members of FNV O&O support these cooperation plans. In the meantime, the FNV member parliament has given the green light to form a single independent education union, which is affiliated with the FNV.

The market research further shows that the Education magazine is the most used product of the AOb. The tax service of the FNV was rated highest with a 7,9. Members are also very satisfied with the contact with the Information and Advice Center (IAC) and the legal service. They score 7,2 and 7,4.

Information provision: Cao number 1

The use of media in education has been investigated in the market research and the flash panel of home affairs. Collective bargaining information is number 1 for members, both about the negotiations and the results. Pension news is number 2 and number 3 is the educational and political developments within the own sector.

Young and old choose it Education magazine as an important source of background information. Also outside the AOb this is the most widely read magazine. For members and non-members, digital newsletters continue to be important to keep up with the news about terms of employment and educational developments. A quarter of young people under 35 indicate that they prefer to receive news via Facebook.

Growth to 84.709 members

After the large membership increase in 2017, the AOb a minus in 2018, mainly because many members who retired or had canceled their membership. At the beginning of 2019, with the National Education Exhibition and the promotions, there was again a substantial gain in membership, so that the counter on 1 June 2019 was 84.709. In recent years, the number of members has fluctuated between 82 and 86 thousand. The number of working members is increasing strongly, the number of pensioners is decreasing. Because many young people under the age of 35 become members, the membership is becoming greener. The greatest growth in recent years has been in primary education.



Promotion costs: € 460.000

De AOb is financially healthy. In 2018, expenditure (21 million) and income (22 million) roughly balanced each other according to the annual accounts. After settlement with capital gains and taxes, a modest increase resulted. Of course, the actions (the relay strikes) resulted in a lot of extra expenditure (460 thousand euros), part of which (150 thousand euros) was paid by the FNV. From the income, the promotional fund could be brought back up to standard, so that almost 2019 million will be available at the beginning of 10. Other expenditures go to association meetings (3,6 million) and work organization (15,7 million). Of the 126 employees (converted to full-time equivalent; full-time jobs), the vast majority work for members in the region, for collective bargaining and for legal support.

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