
AOb: 'Hope that schools can switch so quickly'

The schools will close this Wednesday until Monday, January 18. Lessons should take place online again as much as possible. “We hope that the schools will be able to make the switch so quickly,” responds AObchairman Eugenie Stolk.

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From next Wednesday to Monday January 18, distance education will become the norm, from primary school to university. Minister Mark Rutte announced this tonight. A few exceptions are made. Pupils in a vulnerable position, exam pupils and pupils in primary education whose parents have crucial professions are allowed to physically attend school. This also applies to students who follow practical lessons. Pupils who take their exams next school year are allowed to go to school to take school exams.

No extra vacation

As a result of this measure, schools must switch back to distance learning in record time. “So it is not an extra vacation”, responds AObchairman Eugenie Stolk. “Not for the teaching staff and not for the students. We hope that the schools will be able to switch so quickly in this last week before the Christmas holidays. ”

We insist as AOb been asking for clarity from the minister for some time now

Last March, education was also raided by a lockdown, the consequences of which still remain can be felt in education. At the same time, there are also serious concerns among education staff about the increasing infections.

“We like AOb have always mentioned the increasing concerns that we have noticed in education and have urged the minister to take clear measures, ”says Stolk. The cabinet is now forced to implement a second lockdown, because the number of infections has risen sharply and the pressure on healthcare is becoming too great.

On January 12, it will be announced in a press conference whether the measures can be relaxed.


For secondary vocational education and higher education, there is an exception to distance learning for exams and exams, practical training and the supervision of students in a vulnerable position. For internships, the rules of the sector where the internship is conducted apply. If those activities continue, the internship can also continue. The libraries of MBO and higher education institutions are only open to vulnerable students.

Educational activities that fall under an exception and may therefore take place physically do not have to adhere to the rules regarding group size.

Also read: 'Education quality has fallen sharply in corona time' in "Great concerns about the consequences of corona for MBO and higher education '


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