
AOb: 'Money and support needed for'

Research among teachers should show whether the proposals have sufficient support in the workplace. Sufficient money must also be made available to implement the proposals. If these conditions are not met, the union will no longer cooperate with That writes the AOb to the House of Representatives.

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De AOb has been in the coordination group of “We are in that group to ensure that the voice of primary and secondary school teachers is heard clearly in the development of a new curriculum,” says AObdriver Jelmer Evers. “However, our members have been criticized during the process. That is why, when presented the proposals, we decided to conduct our own survey among teachers in primary and secondary education. ”

Teachers and lecturers must support the proposals and be given time to implement them

From this research it appeared in the first place that teachers and lecturers doubt whether they will be given sufficient time and guidance to implement the plans. Evers: "The teachers and lecturers think back to previous major plans that did not go well - such as the study house." Have further AObMembers fundamentally criticize the format and content of some of the proposed learning areas.

Support base

The General Assembly, the highest body of the AOb, has now drawn up some 'crucial preconditions' for the union's further involvement in For example, a broad survey should be conducted - including among non-members of the AOb - to the support of the proposals. 'In any case, the division into the learning areas must be questioned and the content of the proposals' writes de AOb. The outcome of the survey will show which components have sufficient support for further elaboration, and for which components a 'fundamental change of direction' is necessary to maintain the connection with the professional group.


In addition, structural investments in time, space and professionalization are needed, de AOb. 'Without a concrete structural commitment of resources, it will be difficult for teachers to properly implement a new curriculum.'


“We are in favor of curriculum renewal,” says Evers. “The primary school program, for example, is too overloaded. But the question remains what solutions are being proposed for those problems. Teachers and teachers must support those solutions and must be given time and space to implement them. If these preconditions are not met, the AOb unfortunately will not continue to support the process. ”

Next Monday, Evers will take the position of the AOb explain at a hearing of

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