
AOb surprised at the minister's no

Minister of Education Slob does not want to look for more money for education, he says to the surprise of the AOb in the Algemeen Dagblad (AD). “We still have to talk, but the outcome is certain. Strange ”, said AObdriver Eugenie Stolk.

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Image: Web editorial AOb

“Even before there has been a discussion with the educational organizations, Minister Slob already knows the answer. The coalition agreement has been cast in concrete and not a cent will be added.” Eugenie Stolk, daily primary education director of the AOb, is surprised by the tough stance of the Rutte III cabinet, which itself says that it is seeking broad support and wants to come up with solutions. Stolk: “Teachers also want to have confidence in the future, but are faced with a low salary and a high workload. All the facts for this are on the table. Now is the time to act and thus prevent a teacher shortage. ”


In the AD, Slob said that "teachers were in the front row" when distributing money and no longer need to count on it. "Together with all our partners in the primary education front, we will start that conversation on Tuesday, but it will be very difficult if the minister does not offer any space or wants to look at the problems more creatively," says AObdriver Stolk. All trade unions, school leaders, boards and PO in Actie are united in the PO front.

Don't close the door, minister, but come up with a delta plan, a multi-year investment agenda. For the entire education sector.

What the AOb As far as concerns are concerned, the government must first recognize that we are faced with a significant teacher shortage and that low salaries play a role in this. “In our Salary Plan we already say that we understand that it is not on day one of a new cabinet that 900 million euros will be released to align salaries with secondary education. But agreements must be possible to achieve this in a number of years. Do not close the door, minister, but come up with a delta plan, a multi-year investment agenda. For the entire education sector. ”

Reduce workload

The cabinet will allocate 430 million euros to reduce the workload, but only at the very end of the term of office. "Bringing that forward is also a clear signal that the cabinet is taking the problems seriously." Stolk points out that the cabinet is making choices that no one understands. “On the basis of vague thoughts, the tax rates for companies - which are already low - are being relaxed even further. But nothing is possible anymore for a strong public service, such as education. This cabinet would give citizens more confidence in the future if healthcare, police and education are given the opportunity to do their work well. And investing in education is badly needed. When we run out of natural gas, knowledge is our only raw material. ”

Read up the website of the Algemeen Dagblad the interview with Minister Slob.

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