
Lindenborg department directors sent home

Four department directors of the Lindenborg secondary school in Leek are exempt from work. The general director of the regional school community de Borgen, the board under which the school falls, took that decision after she received complaints from teachers and had an independent investigation carried out.

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The research shows that the management of the board does not make an adequate contribution to the quality of education, says spokesperson Trijnie van Wijk. The spokesperson cannot go into further details, but says that two years ago a lot has changed in the structure of the school where 130 employees work and 1300 students attend. School teams were then given more responsibility.


Recently, the board has received several complaints about the department directors, who each have a number of teachers under them at the Lindenborg. Van Wijk: “We received several signals from teachers. The general director then opened an independent investigation. Following the conclusions, the report is otherwise confidential, it was decided to exempt the department directors from work. One interim director has now been appointed for day-to-day affairs, ”says Van Wijk. "It's a very painful decision."

One interim director has been appointed for day-to-day operations

All students and employees have been informed via the intranet. Not everyone felt well informed about the decision, because the message did not stand out enough among all the other messages. “We then sent out another email,” says Van Wijk.


Whether the four directors will continue to work at the school, work elsewhere or whether they will be said goodbye is still being discussed. "It is a very painful decision and we are now looking for solutions for the future." The participation council is also involved in this. Van Wijk emphasizes that the quality of education has never been at stake.

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