
High willingness to take action in secondary education

AOb-Members in secondary education believe, in the vast majority, that the cabinet offers their sector insufficiently in the coalition agreement. The willingness to take action is therefore great: three quarters want to go on strike. For promotions, smaller classes, fewer lessons per week and a higher salary have priority.

Tekst Robert Sikkes - Redactie Onderwijsblad - - Minder dan een minuut om te lezen


Image: Pixabay

'Teacher: from pedestal to doormat. This has got to be over!!' It is clear from the thousands of responses to the coalition agreement that teaching staff in secondary education are very dissatisfied with the coalition agreement. The AOb polled the opinion of 18 thousand members, 4.401 responded. Many people believe that the cabinet is playing a game of divide and conquer: money for primary education, but nothing for secondary education. 'This is how sectors are played off each other.'


Of the 4.401 participants, nine out of ten responded negatively to the coalition agreement. 49 percent found it completely insufficient for secondary education and 38 percent insufficient. D66 in particular has to pay for the open answers, because there is no money for reducing the workload. Deliberately voted for D66 because of smaller classes. Sad, but that Pechtold will never get my vote again. '

Three quarters of the AObmembers therefore want to take action. A strike with a national event is preferred. The spearheads of an action are for teachers in order of importance: smaller classes, reduction of teaching workload per week and higher salary. Support staff want their jobs to be re-rated as the tasks have become much tougher. Apart from that, many people indicate that they want to get rid of the lump sum. 'Because the classes are getting bigger, appropriate education money does not get into the classroom at all.'

Outcomes AObsurvey in a row:

Judgment of the coalition agreement
Completely insufficient 49 percent
Inadequate 38 percent
Reasonable 9 percent
For the time being the most feasible 3 percent
Enough 1 percent
Are you willing to take action right now?
Ja 75 percent
No 25 percent
Prioritize *
Smaller classes 2632
Reduction of teaching task 2329
Higher salaries 2084
Run function mix 220
Revaluation functions oop 467

* Multiple answers possible, most often mentioned in numbers

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