
The number of schools on strike is approaching three thousand

More than 2500 primary and secondary schools have already reported closing during the strike on November 6. The counter is currently at 2760 schools and schools are still being added.

Tekst Karen Hagen - Redactie Onderwijsblad - - 2 Minuten om te lezen


Statue: Algemene Onderwijsbond

On the campaign site 'Invest in Education' keeps the AOb together with the other educational organizations. Teaching staff who are going on strike can indicate here that their school is closed. More and more red dots appear on the map and it can be seen that pupils throughout the Netherlands will not be taught that day.

Continue to pay

Many school boards have also announced that they will not withhold any salary during this strike. For example, the Limburg Movare foundation with 46 schools continues to pay for its teachers. The large Rotterdam board Boor and SPO Utrecht with 38 schools do the same and in regional newspapers even more examples of paying school boards pass by. So it wrote North Holland Dagblad this morning that almost all teachers and educational supporters in West Friesland continue to be paid. The eight joint school boards have announced this in a letter. The AOb keeps a list with boards that continue to pay and this list is constantly being supplemented.


A large part of the schools at the Limburg school board Kerobei will also close. “It concerns 13 of the 18 schools,” says chairman of the board Hans Soentjens. “Of the five schools that remain open, two are of which a number of groups are not taught because of the strike. Most teaching staff are on strike for a lower workload, the salaries and the teacher shortage that is now slowly coming our way, ”says Soentjens. “As a director, I add the operating costs for gas, water, light and buildings. We have been struggling with this for years and more money is needed for that. ” Yet the Kerobei strikers are not paid on strike day. Soentjens: "The money we withhold goes back to the schools where the participation councils, in consultation with the team, choose a destination."


Teachers, supporters and school leaders who are on strike and are members of the AOb receive a strike allowance of up to 63 euros per day if they hand in their pay slip with the wages withheld to the union. In addition, calls AObdirector Tamar van Gelder on participation councils to put the money withheld on the agenda at the next meetings if this is the case. “That is money that is intended for employment conditions, it does not go back to The Hague. Members of the mrs should make agreements about this with their board. ”

watch here the list from school boards that indicate that they continue to pay on strike day. You will find the map with closed schools on the promotional site via this link.

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