
460 million euros for primary and secondary education

Campaigning works. The cabinet is making an additional investment of 460 million euros in primary and secondary education. The AOb therefore withdraws the strike call before 6 November. "This offer means that campaigning works."

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An emergency package of 423,5 million was the demand of the joint unions and employers. That money had to come to guarantee good education for our children. To reduce the workload, close the pay gap between primary and secondary education and make the teaching profession more attractive. Teachers who teach in special education would be better rewarded, as would staff in schools in disadvantaged neighborhoods.

We have all collected that money for 2020

With the threat of a massive strike, the cabinet has now pledged € 460 million to help education get through the winter. “Education has fought very hard for this money,” says AObchairman Liesbeth Verheggen. "We have all brought in that money for 2020."

Not done yet

A large part of the 460 million is incidental; the joint unions would rather have received structural funding. “We are not yet ready for the future,” says Verheggen. “This is a first step, in the future much more will be needed to maintain the quality of our education, there is still a broad investment plan to be developed. The fact that we have received this offer does mean that campaigning works. It is unfortunate that it is necessary. Everyone now knows the impact of the teacher shortage and is prepared to do something about it. ”

'The joint strike has been postponed'

The agreements with the cabinet have been laid down in a covenant that was signed this afternoon by Education Minister Arie Slob, the employers and the joint education unions. "The joint strike has now been postponed," says Verheggen, "but we will continue to campaign for more structural investments in the longer term."

November 6

Almost three thousand schools had already announced that they would close on Wednesday, November 6. “Whether schools will start teaching again on Wednesday 6, we will leave it to the teams and boards,” says Verheggen. “We are happy to talk to members about why we are doing this covenant have agreed. ”

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