contact AOB

Become a contact person at the AOb!

Are about 1500 members AOb-contact. They are the connecting link between the teaching staff at a school and the AOb. As a contact person, you receive news items from the union about educational developments and you pass this information on to all your colleagues at school. This can be done via mailboxes, but also digitally via email or via a bulletin board at your school.

What do you do as a contact person?

  • You make yourself known as a contact person within the school
  • As a contact person you pass on information to colleagues
  • At school you set up a permanent place for AOb-information
  • You point out to colleagues the importance of membership in the union
  • You keep colleagues informed of decentralized consultation
  • For advice, refer your colleagues to one AOb-expert
  • To the AObconsultant lets you know what's going on at your school

De AOb is constantly trying to expand the network of contacts. Would you like to become a contact person? You can register via the form on our website.

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