Sector Post-actives

The Post-Active sector of the AOb focuses on retired teaching staff and monitors the pensions of members who are affiliated with the ABP pension fund. The sector represents the specific interests of members with an old age pension, or a flexible pension. Also for widows and widowers of post-active members who want to remain members of the AOb this sector is emerging.

What does the AObsector Post-actives?

The Post-active sector monitors and assesses policies for retirees within and outside the AOb† This sector also organizes various activities in the regions so that members can meet each other. There are regular information meetings about pensions or other topics that are important to retirees. Keep the agenda watch so as not to miss anything. Via the AObwebsite, the non-active members are kept informed of current developments, such as developments in pensions and living at home for longer.

Influence on your pension

The pension is just as important for Post-Active employees as the collective labor agreement is for working people. Retirement is a permanent part of discussion and change. It AOb-membership strengthens the possibility to have a direct influence on your pension through the FNV. This is in contrast to, for example, senior citizens' associations. The AOb participates, together with the other FNV government unions, in the Accountability Body of the ABP, in which many proposed decisions of the board of the ABP are closely followed and critical comments are made.

Those who stop working (and receive more than the minimum wage) pay 11,20 euros per month. With an income below the minimum wage and only if you are retired (including state pension), the contribution is 7,10 euros per month.

Are you retiring? Easily convert your membership by contacting the AOb. Send an email with your request and your membership number and it will be arranged for you! 

Contact us

More information about the post-active sector

Questions about this AObsector you can email to Hans Nieuwkerk via hnieuwkerk @aob. Nl 

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